HoyQuedas App is available in American English HoyQuedas App is available in English HoyQuedas App und WhatsMap sind auf Deutsch verfügbar. HoyQuedas App y WhatsMap están disponibles en español HoyQuedas App и WhatsMap App доступны на русском языке HoyQuedas App sont disponibles en français HoyQuedas App estan disponibles en català. HoyQuedas App estão disponíveis em português HoyQuedas App су доступни на српском језику. HoyQuedas App доступні українською мовою
WhatsMap aplikacija je sada HoyQuedas aplikacija.

"WhatsMap" App

Vaša iskrena društvena mreža: Upoznajte nove ljude online i sastanite se lično.
"Hoy Quedas" je neformalan izraz koji se koristi da se pita da li je neko dostupan da izađe ili se nađe danas. Koristi se kao "Da li si slobodan/slobodna danas?" ili "Da li ti se izlazi/nalazi danas?". Glagol "quedar" podrazumeva dogovaranje sastanka, na primer, dogovoriti se da se popije piće, da se ide u bioskop, na ples ili u pozorište. To je brz i kolokvijalan način da se predloži plan za isti dan.
Página actualizada el 9 de enero del 2025

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Whatsmap v1.0.0 available in the Google Play store

WhatsMap: Povežite se stvarno sa ljudima oko vas

Umoran od površnih onlajn interakcija? WhatsMap je tvoje rešenje za izgradnju značajnih, licem u lice veza sa ljudima koji dele tvoje strasti.

Naša inovativna aplikacija ti omogućava da istražiš dinamičnu mapu kako bi otkrio istomišljenike u svojoj blizini i zatim neprimetno prešao na susrete u stvarnom svetu.

Otkrij ljude na svoj način:

Bez obzira da li tražiš po geografskoj lokaciji ili zajedničkim hobijima, WhatsMap ti omogućava da pronađeš savršene veze. Istraži svoju četvrt ili uroni u kontrolnu tablu zasnovanu na veštačkoj inteligenciji, naše tajno oružje koje te povezuje sa ljudima koji dele tvoje strasti, čak i preko jezičkih barijera. Na primer, ako voliš da "plešeš", a neko drugi voli "bailar", "salsa", "tango", "danser", "танцювати" ili "танцевать", naša kontrolna tabla će te povezati sa njima! Omogućava ti da se povežeš sa više istomišljenika nego ikada ranije! Takođe možeš pretraživati po gradu, imenu ili udaljenosti, tako da možeš pronaći prijatelje gde god da si, čak i pre putovanja!

Poveži se i upoznaj uživo:

Kada pronađeš ljude koji pobuđuju tvoje interesovanje, pokretanje razgovora je lako i prirodno. Ćaskaj direktno unutar aplikacije i neprimetno koordiniraj susrete uživo.

Privatnost na prvom mestu, veze uvek:

Tvoja privatnost je najvažnija. WhatsMap simulira tvoju lokaciju u tvojoj četvrti i tvoji podaci se sigurno čuvaju samo dok aktivno koristiš aplikaciju. Ne pratimo tvoje kretanje.

Fleksibilno i nagrađujuće članstvo:

Uživaj u WhatsMap-u na svoj način uz fleksibilne opcije plaćanja: koristi FREE, skoro FREE ili uz plaćanje. Naš jedinstveni program preporuke ti omogućava da otključaš FREE pristup jednostavnim pozivanjem prijatelja. Ako se dvoje tvojih prijatelja pretplate, možeš besplatno koristiti WhatsMap! Što više deliš, više dobijaš.

Spreman da proširiš svoju društvenu mrežu u stvarnom svetu? WhatsMap, ranije poznat kao WordsChatMap (i prethodno WhatsMap), dostupan je na Google Play prodavnici. Preuzmi je danas i počni da ostvaruješ značajne veze!

Sveobuhvatan video objašnjenja

Česta pitanja i odgovori (FAQ)

  • What is WhatsMap?
    WhatsMap is an App to connect with like minded people close to you. Either using the built in Dashboard or the map screen connect with people close to your geographical location and your interests, send a connection request, chat and meet.

    You can also contact people from other cities or countries using the TOP features of the App. You can also invite your friends so that they becomse your Sponsors once they subscribe. Read about Sponsors to use all App features for FREE.

  • People can not track my location. Is this correct?
    Correct. People can not track your location. People can see an approximate location (an imprecise one, created by the App) where you used the App the last time, but nobody can track you. Moreover, the App doesn't store your location history and only an approximate location is stored while you are using the App.

    Once you close the App, neither the App nor your contacts will know where you are.

    For example if you use the App from your prefered coffee place, an address close to that location will be shared with the rest of users. This is so in order for you to be able to meet people close to your location and not at the other side of the city.
  • What is a communication App?
    It is used to communicate with people like other chat apps. However, with Whatsmap you can see people around you, see their interests and send them a connection request..
  • Can I use the App FREE?
    Yes, you can use the App FREE to invite your contacts and to see people around your location. Also you can use all features for FREE when you invite your contacts and they get a subscription,(read about Sponsors to know more and how to do it). Use the App FREE if you want to:
    • Save money or wait until more people uses the App.
    • Invited friends who never used the App. When two get a monthly subscription, your subscription will be FREE as long as they are subscribed.

    Subscriptions are pre-paid and have no recurring costs. When they finish you will need to subscribe again. No payment surprises. You pay what you purchase.
  • What is a sponsor?
    • A Sponsor is a new user you invited who gets a paid subscription
  • What is a new user?
    • A new user is one of your friends who never used this App.
    • When you invite them and tell them to install the App they will become your sponsors
  • Who knows my phone number?
    • You decide who knows your phone number. Only the people you give it to by chat will have it.
    • Having users registered by phone avoids anonymous users and users without identity.
  • People know my real address?
    • By default the App shares a simulated address away from you, somewhere in your neighborhood
    • Use settings to share an address closer to you
  • Am I sharing my real address?
    No, never. The App modifies your location address and shares one somewhere in your neighborhood.

    You can configure your address sharing from the account menu
    • Real address: an address close to your location. Not your exact location.
    • Simulated address: this is the default of the App. The address will be up to 500 meters away from you, anywhere from 10 to 500 meteres.
  • Are there recurring costs?
    No, there are not recurring costs.

    If you want to use the paid options, the App only offers pre-paid subscriptions. Once they are finish, you will have to subscribe again for your desired time. No recurring costs. You pay for what you want and once is finished you'll have to acquire it again.
  • Can I avoid people seeing where am I?
    Your contacts can see the last place where you used the App and they can not track you. Moreover, you can disable sharing your last location on a friend by freind basis from the Friends screen.
  • Can I hide my current location?
    • You can hide your location on a friend by friend basis from the settings menu. When you mute a friend, this will not see your location but you also not their
    • The App only reads your location when you use the App. If the App is closed, the App will remember your last location AND will not know where you are
  • Cancellations and refunds
    We will refund you the unused part of your subscription. You will not receive a refund for the current billing period, but will continue to receive the subscription content for the remainder of the current billing period, regardless of the cancellation date. The user's cancellation goes into effect after the current billing period has passed.
    Be aware that billing periodes count natural months, so if you subscribe on the 30th and cancel three days latter, on the 2nd, two months will have to be charged. Of course you could cancel on the 30th and be charged the same ammount
  • How can I delete my contacts?
    You can delete contacts directly within the App from the Friends screen. Each contact has a user delete button. After you remove a contact you will still see a grayed item in the chat screen but you will not be able to read that conversation
  • What is HoyQuedas?
    HoyQuedas is an App to connect with like minded people close to you. Either using the built in Dashboard or the map screen connect with people close to your geographical location and your interests, send a connection request, chat and meet.

    You can also contact people from other cities or countries using the TOP features of the App. You can also invite your friends so that they becomse your Sponsors once they subscribe. Read about Sponsors to use all App features for FREE.

Snimci ekrana WhatsMap-a

Aplikacija sadrži četiri ekrana kojima se navigira pomoću donjeg menija. (Mapa, Ćaskanje, Kontakti, Nalog). U nastavku možete pogledati slike ekrana.
  • Send invitation requests to people around you
  • Search peple in other cities before your trips
  • Search new contacts by keyword
  • Search users by keyword
  • Search users by keyword
  • With the TOP subscription find people up to 100 km away from you. Searching for a city let you find people within that selected radius as well
  • Travel the world from within the App and search for cities. Find users there and connect !
  • See people around you or in the city of your search and connect !
  • Signal quality affects your location detection.
  • Get information if something goes wrong
  • An overview of your friends and status of your connection requests
  • Users must grant access to their location so that the App can find people close to them
  • Your address is not exact but close to you and changes randomly every few seconds
Profil korisnika
  • Foto, email and name

    Update your profile picture and name any time from the account menu
  • Tracking OFF

    You can disable tracking for all users at once from this menu. We aware that new users will be enabled by default, so come back often if you want to hide from all
  • Subscriptions levels

    Subscriptions are pre-paid and do not auto renew. Get one to access chat and search features and connect with people around you.
  • Privacy Policy

    Check the privacy policy directly from within the App
  • Account deletion

    Account deletion can be requested from the menu
  • About this App

    It all started as an exercise ...
  • Profile and registered email account

    Say what you like so that other users can find you
  • Account settings

    Your keywords help you meet new friends
All screens big size

  • Chat keywords

    Chat keywords
    See your friends interests, an approximate address and subscription level in the chat
  • Contacts

    Send invitation requests to people around you
  • Search cities

    Search cities
    Search peple in other cities before your trips
  • Search by keyword

    Search by keyword
    Search new contacts by keyword
  • Search by Keyword

    Search by Keyword
    Search users by keyword
  • Search by Keyword

    Search by Keyword
    Search users by keyword
  • Search 100Km away

    Search 100Km away
    With the TOP subscription find people up to 100 km away from you. Searching for a city let you find people within that selected radius as well
  • Search by city

    Search by city
    Travel the world from within the App and search for cities. Find users there and connect !
  • Foto, email and name

    Foto, email and name
    Update your profile picture and name any time from the account menu
  • Tracking OFF

    Tracking OFF
    You can disable tracking for all users at once from this menu. We aware that new users will be enabled by default, so come back often if you want to hide from all
  • Subscriptions levels

    Subscriptions levels
    Subscriptions are pre-paid and do not auto renew. Get one to access chat and search features and connect with people around you.
  • Privacy Policy

    Privacy Policy
    Check the privacy policy directly from within the App
  • Account deletion

    Account deletion
    Account deletion can be requested from the menu
  • Muted users can't track you

    Muted users can't track you
    When a user is muted you won't be able to track each other
  • Chat with keywords

    Chat with keywords
    See what drives your friends on the chat dashboard
  • About this App

    About this App
    It all started as an exercise ...
  • Connections ahead!

    Connections ahead!
    See people around you or in the city of your search and connect !
  • Mute users one by one

    Mute users one by one
    Muted users can not track your location and you not theirs. But you can chat and see their keywords and remove them if you like
  • Chat with keywords

    Chat with keywords
    Read your friends keywords directly from the Chat panel
  • Build in Signal Qualtiy

    Build in Signal Qualtiy
    Signal quality affects your location detection.
  • Built in App Status

    Built in App Status
    Get information if something goes wrong
  • Friends keywords

    Friends keywords
    See friends keywords to start chating
  • Friends list and status

    Friends list and status
    An overview of your friends and status of your connection requests
  • User permissions

    User permissions
    Users must grant access to their location so that the App can find people close to them
  • Profile and registered email account

    Profile and registered email account
    Say what you like so that other users can find you
  • Simulated address

    Simulated address
    Your address is not exact but close to you and changes randomly every few seconds
  • Anonymous chat

    Anonymous chat
    You decide who has your phone number
  • Account settings

    Account settings
    Your keywords help you meet new friends
  • Friends' dashboard

    Friends' dashboard
    See friends' state and check their keywords.

Whatsmap v1.0.0 available in the Google Play store

"HoyQuedas" App

Tu red social, de verdad. Encuentra, chatea y queda con personas cerca de ti.

Whatsmap v1.0.0 available in the Google Play store

HoyQuedas App esta disponible para Android en la Google Play Store
HoyQuedas App és la evolución de WhatsMap y de WordsChatMap. Ahora tu red social de verdad se llama "HoyQuedas.com".

Management team

WeWork - Espai d'oficines i coworking
Carrer de Tànger 86
08018 Barcelona
Catalonia, Spain

E-Mail: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
Mobile: +34 644 22 00 88
Landline: +34 93 460 86 39

© HoyQuedas.com, All rights reserved.
  • HoyQuedas App is available in American English HoyQuedas App is available in English HoyQuedas App und WhatsMap sind auf Deutsch verfügbar. HoyQuedas App y WhatsMap están disponibles en español HoyQuedas App и WhatsMap App доступны на русском языке HoyQuedas App sont disponibles en français HoyQuedas App estan disponibles en català. HoyQuedas App estão disponíveis em português HoyQuedas App су доступни на српском језику. HoyQuedas App доступні українською мовою